Protecting the Integrity of Our Sport

    We are committed to showcasing basketball as the energetic, healthy and athletic sport that it is – as well promoting fair play and ethical conduct. We have frameworks, procedures, initiatives and a reporting facility to secure integrity – both during competitions and within FIBA itself. There are three main areas of focus:

    Anti-Doping / ‘Clean Game’ Measures

    Competing is based on fairness, where success or failure depends on hard work, training, and talent. Sometimes athletes will seek an unfair and dishonest advantage, including doping. FIBA is dedicated to a ‘Clean Game’ and anti-doping measures. Click here for more.

    Prevention of Competition Manipulation

    Competition manipulation, also known as ‘match-fixing’ is when a person(s) intentionally arranges, acts, or fails to act in a way that improperly alters the outcome or progress of a sports competition, with the goal of eliminating some or all of its unpredictable nature. This undermines the integrity of the sport and can potentially to ruin careers. Click here for more.

    Prevention of Harassment and Abuse

    Every person in sport, in every role, has the right to participate in an environment that is fun, safe, and healthy, and to be treated with respect, dignity and fairness. All forms of harassment, vilification, and abuse, be it physical, professional, or sexual, and inflicting, facilitating, or tolerating any non-accidental physical or mental injuries, are strictly prohibited by FIBA and can result in penalties and punishments. Click here for more

    Our Integrity Measures and Initiatives

    Integrity Education

    FIBA and the IOC have worked together to increase awareness about the rights and responsibilities of players and staff concerning betting and match-fixing. Additionally, FIBA partnered with Athlete 365, the official community for elite athletes and Olympians established by the IOC. As part of this collaboration, they created an educational video focused on betting to provide valuable advice, tools, and services. VIDEO?

    FIBA Code of Conduct

    The FIBA Code of Conduct ensures basketball is administered and played worldwide in an ethical, honest, fair, transparent, democratic, credible, dignified, and professional manner, while also upholding the principles of fair play and integrity. Basketball organizations must be accountable for their own actions and to respect their obligations as members or partners of FIBA. The FIBA Code of Conduct, as well as the Code of Ethics and Integrity, in the FIBA Internal Regulations – Book 1: General Provisions, Chapter 5 is available HERE

    Swish Program

    This helps educate and mentor selected participants in management and administration across the areas of integrity and sport policies. A primary objective is participants successfully understanding FIBA's regulations, as well as the importance of being compliant with integrity policies or regulations. Representatives can then use them in their own roles within their respective National Federations.

    Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Program

    A network of integrity specialists is growing. National Federations are being encouraged to appoint a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) responsible for integrity who will have direct contact with FIBA. They will be responsible, among other things, for implementing FIBA's Code of Ethics and Integrity at a national level, ensuring an appropriate integrity-related education within their country and the creation, maintenance, or management of the national reporting platform. FIBA supports all allocated SPOC persons via the exchange of best practice, by answering questions and by providing access to a great SPOC network.

    Report a Breach of Integrity

    Standard or anonymous reports can be made here via a confidential platform.

    The reporting process to FIBA is done through the platforms of the International Olympic Committee and WADA.

    By selecting an option of breach either as Anti-Doping Violation, Competition Manipulation, Integrity Non-Compliance (other than Competition Manipulation) or Harassment/ Abuse the website user will be directed to an integrity and compliance hotline or to the WADA Speak Up platform.

    FIBA will be directly informed of any report submitted through this platform.


    Match Fixing

    Integrity Officer

    Single Point of Contact