The position of Integrity Officer was introduced in 2020 with the appointment of Mr. Richard McLaren by the FIBA Central Board.


    The Integrity Officer shall have the following roles (FIBA Internal Regulations articles 1-2058, 1-2069):

    • The Integrity Officer shall support FIBA in the investigation of any potential violation brought to his attention. For the purposes of such review, the Integrity Officer may upon FIBA’s request or approval, conduct specific investigations and collaborate with relevant public authorities.

    • Investigate of any alleged breaches of the FIBA Code of Ethics and Integrity or the FIBA Anti-Doping Regulations that are referred to the Integrity Officer by FIBA;

    • Ensure all investigations conducted on behalf of FIBA are reasonable, proportionate, and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and budgeting guidelines of FIBA;

    • Keep confidential any information obtained through reports on or investigations into potential integrity-related violations, unless authorized by FIBA to disclose to public authorities or required by law to do so;

    • If necessary, propose to FIBA specific expertise that may be needed in support of the investigation; and

    • Provide an independent report to FIBA following an investigation.

    The FIBA Integrity Officer may, at the time of their appointment and during their term, not be an employee or a member of FIBA bodies or of any of its Divisions, Regional Offices or Member Federations. Their role is to support, upon request, FIBA in the investigation of any potential violation brought to their attention. For the purposes of such review, the Integrity Officer may upon FIBA’s request or approval, conduct specific investigations and collaborate with relevant public authorities. FIBA’s Central Board appoints an Integrity Officer for a four-year term.


    Standard or anonymous reports can be made here via a confidential platform. The reporting process to FIBA is done through the platforms of the International Olympic Committee and WADA. By selecting an option of breach either as Anti-Doping Violation, Competition Manipulation, Integrity Non-Compliance (other than Competition Manipulation) or Harassment/ Abuse the website user will be directed to an integrity and compliance hotline or to the WADA Speak Up platform. FIBA will be directly informed of any report submitted through this platform.

    Report a Breach of Integrity