FIBA bears the responsibility to safeguard the integrity and reputation of the sport of basketball worldwide and is constantly striving to protect its image from jeopardy or harm as a result of immoral or unethical activities, methods and practices (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-114).

    With this in mind, FIBA’s regulations include a strict Code of Ethics that applies collectively and individually to FIBA’s membership, employees and officials directly and indirectly affiliated to FIBA. It also applies to organizers of FIBA Competitions and events, as well as those bidding for the right to host them.

    Established under Article 36 of the FIBA General Statutes, the FIBA Ethics Panel oversees the observance of the Code of Ethics as set out in the FIBA Internal Regulations (articles 1-114 to 1-152).


    The role of the Ethics Panel is to examine possible breaches of the Code of Ethics and to report on its inquiries and deliberations (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-209).

    The principle of confidentiality shall be respected strictly by the FIBA Ethics Panel in all of its activities (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-197).

    Alleged breaches of the Code may be referred by the following to the Ethics Panel for consideration:

    The President of FIBA

    The Central Board

    The Secretary General

    National Member Federations (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-195)

    After appropriate inquiry and consideration of the matter, the Ethics Panel shall determine whether there is no case to answer (in which case the referral shall be dismissed) or whether there is a prima facie finding of breach/es of the Code of Ethics and Integrity, together with its recommendation/s to the Secretary General or to the Central Board, as appropriate. (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-212).

    The Ethics Panel also prepares a report for the Congress (FIBA General Statutes, art. 36.2).


    The Ethics Panel consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of six persons appointed by the Congress. The Ethics Panel elects one of its members to be chairman of the Panel (FIBA General Statutes, art. 36.3).

    The Ethics Panel members for the 2023-2027 term are:

    Mr. Scott DERWIN (AUS) Mr. Saburo KAWABUCHI (JPN) Ms. Celestine ADJANOHOUN (BEN) Mr. Cyriel COOMANS (BEL) Mr. Ruperto HERRERA (CUB) Ms. Karo LELAI (PNG)

    For further information, please refer to the FIBA Code of Ethics (FIBA Internal Regulations, Book 1, Chapter 5), available here.|tab=b1506ff3-8ed5-4367-9cae-dc3e448a922f