Established under Article 38 of the FIBA General Statutes, the FIBA Disciplinary Panel adjudicates at a world level on sanctions for a wide variety of matters outlined in the General Statutes or the FIBA Internal Regulations, as well as any other matter referred to it by the FIBA Secretary General. This includes but not limited to:

    • Ethics violations

    • Violations of the Official Basketball Rules and

    • Violations of the FIBA Internal Regulations

    Anti-doping rule violations and other anti-doping matters shall be heard in the first instance by the Anti-Doping Division of the Disciplinary Panel (DPADD).

    Please note that the information about the FIBA Disciplinary Panel procedures in this page is for basic informative purposes only. For the exact, legally-binding and most up-to-date Disciplinary Panel regulations and processes, always refer to the FIBA Internal Regulations – General Provisions (articles 1-198 to 1-201 and 1-216 to 1-230).


    All persons who are the subject of proceedings before the Disciplinary Panel have the right to be heard and may be assisted by the legal representative of their choice and/or a representative of the respective national member federation (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-217).

    Hearings may be conducted in writing or orally. The competent FIBA body is free to decide in which manner to conduct the hearing. (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-217).

    Appeals against decisions of the Disciplinary Panel may be lodged with the FIBA Appeals’ Panel (FIBA Internal Regulations, articles 1-230 and 1-235).


    The Secretary General shall appoint a pool of between two and six persons, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Legal Commission and one of whom shall be a member of the Medical Commission. For each case, the Secretary General shall appoint from the pool, the Chairman and members of the Disciplinary Panel (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-198).

    The list of the FIBA Disciplinary Panel members appointed for 2023-2027 are as follows:

    Disciplinary Matters – General

    Ms. Eleonora RANGELOVA (BUL) Mr. Lubomir KOTLEBA (SVK) Mr. Olivier DUCREY (SUI) Mr. Robert FOX (JAM/SUI) Mr. Chris Patterson (NZL) Ms. Belen Cocero Mora (ESP) Mr. Bannikal Dayananda (IND)

    Disciplinary Panel - Anti-Doping Division