23 ene 2025
Manigault, Mickeal vs. Erdenet Miners
The American Player, Corey Akmal Manigault, and his Agent, Fenton Mickeal, filed a claim against the Mongolian Club, Erdenet Miners, for salaries, agent fees and interest. The Claimants argued that the Employment Contract was a guaranteed contract which was terminated without just cause and without providing any explanation, therefore resulting in the Player being entitled to outstanding salaries and the Agent being entitled to agent fees. The Respondent did not participate in the proceedings. The Player’s claim was partially upheld, the Agent’s claim was fully upheld.
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23 ene 2025
Jelic vs. Basketball Club Zadar S. D. D.)
The Serbian Agent, Marco Jelic, filed a claim against the Croation Club, Basketball Club Zadar S. D. D., for unpaid agent fees and interest. In accordance with Article 16.2 of the BAT Rules, the Arbitrator issued an award without reasons.
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23 ene 2025
Papadopoulos vs. Nebo
The Cyprian Agent, Haris Papadopoulos, filed a claim against the American Player, Joshua Nebo, for compensation, expenses and interest. The Claimant argued that the Player had no right to terminate the Representation Agreement prematurely, as the Player cannot retroactively benefit from a termination right enshrined in the new FIBA IR and said Agreement is clear as well as superseding the FIBA IR. The Respondent argued that he was entitled to terminate the Representation Agreement resulting in Claimant not being entitled to any compensation under such and that no incurred expenses are to be paid as such were arranged and initiated by the Claimant and are typical agent’s investments. The claim was partially upheld.
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23 ene 2025
Stichting Eredivisie Basketball Leiden vs. Stelmahers
The Dutch Club, Stichting Eredivisie Basketball Leiden, filed a claim against the Latvian Coach, Roberts Stelmahers, for special indemnity. In accordance with Article 16.2 of the BAT Rules, the Arbitrator issued an award without reasons.
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23 ene 2025
Warech vs. Ironi Nahariya Basketball B.C
The American/Israeli/German Player, Travis Warech, filed a claim against the Israeli Club, Ironi Nahariya Basketball B.C., for unpaid salaries, bonusses, medical and accommodation expenses and compensation for emotional distress and loss of reputation as well as interest. The Claimant argued for a breach of the contractual obligation due to not being paid. The Respondent in return argued for the principle of Verwirkung to be applied because the Claimant did not raise any claims for a period of two years and therefore should barred from recovering any amounts due. The claims were dismissed.
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23 ene 2025
Bosnic vs. Basketball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bosnian Coach, Vedran Bosnic, filed a claim against the Basketball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for outstanding salaries, compensation and interest. The Claimant submitted that the Respondent breached the Employment Agreement in two manners, resulting in his right to terminate and being entitled to termination indemnity. The Respondent argued that the Claimant’s termination was unlawful and triggered the Respondent’s right to terminate the Employment Agreement. Accordingly, the Respondent rejects any obligation to pay the Claimant a termination indemnity. The claim was upheld.
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23 ene 2025
Beyrouthy vs. OHOD Club
The Lebanese Agent, Pascal Beyrouthy, filed a claim against the Saudi Arabian Club, OHOD Club, for unpaid agent fees and interest. In accordance with Article 16.2 of the BAT Rules, the Arbitrator issued an award without reasons.
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23 ene 2025
Angola-Rodas vs. AEK NEA KAE 2014
The Colombian Player, Braian Angola-Rodas, filed a claim against the Greek Club, AEK NEA KAE 2014, for salaries and interest. The Claimant argued the Respondent failed to fulfill its payment obligations under the Termination Agreement. The Respondent did not participate in the proceedings. The claim was upheld.
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23 ene 2025
Smith, Nsesports Ltd, Spanos vs Grono Sportowa Spolka Akcyjna
The Player, Adam Terrell Smith, Image Rights Company, Nsesports Ltd, and Greek Agent, Nikolaos Spanos, filed a claim against the Polish Club, Grono Sportowa Spolka Akcyjna, for unpaid salaries, unpaid agent fees and interest. In accordance with Article 16.2 of the BAT Rules, the Arbitrator issued an award without reasons.
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23 ene 2025
Gagić vs Basketball Club Partizan
The Player, Djordje Gagić, filed a claim against the Serbian Club, Basketball Club Partizan, for unpaid salaries and bonuses and interest. In accordance with Article 16.2 of the BAT Rules, the Arbitrator issued an award without reasons.
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