The Appeals Panel hears and rules on appeals filed by an affected party against decisions of FIBA, including its organs and disciplinary bodies, unless such appeal is the competence of an Appeals’ Panel of a FIBA Zone or expressly excluded in the FIBA General Statutes or Internal Regulations (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-235). The Appeals' Panel does not, however, hear appeals that relate to decisions by referees or table officials during games or at the conclusion of games. Such decisions and appeals are dealt with in accordance with the Official Basketball Rules (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-236).

    The appealing party has the right to have their appeal heard in a hearing, to be represented by legal counsel, to make written submissions and to present evidence at the hearing (FIBA Internal Regulations, art. 1-244).

    Please note that the information about the FIBA Appeals Panel and appeal procedures in this page is for basic informative purposes only. For the exact, legally-binding and most up-to-date Appeals Panel and appeals regulations and processes, always refer to the FIBA General Statutes (art. 39) and the FIBA Internal Regulations – General Provisions (Book 1, Chapter 7).


    The FIBA Appeals Panel has a four-year term identical with that of the Central Board. It consists of a Chairperson and a minimum of six other members and is elected by the FIBA Central Board. All members must have legal training (FIBA General Statutes, art. 39.1).

    The Appeals Panel members for the 2023-2027 term are:

    Ms. Diana TESIC (SRB/CAN) – Chair Mr. Marek PALUS (POL) – Deputy Chair Mr. Francisco AMALLO (ARG) – Judge Mr. Anais Nicholas D’ARVILLE (AUS) – Judge Mr. Andreas FALLER (SUI) – Judge Mr. Amr Nabil OMRAN (EGY/UAE) – Judge Ms. Melanie SCHARER (SUI) – Judge Mr. Chander Mukhi SHARMA (IND) – Judge Mr. Serge VITTOZ (SUI) – Judge